RKC Specific Annexes, Module 7 – Temporary Admission

Specific Annexes

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Be familiar with the concept of temporary admission of imported goods into the Customs territory.

– Understand how and why the duties and taxes are conditionally relieved on the imported goods based on economic, social or cultural considerations.

– Be familiar with the Istanbul Convention and the ATA Convention, two of the international agreements that have been developed advocating the temporary admission procedure.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


RKC Specific Annexes, Module 8 – Offences

Specific Annexes

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to understand how Customs apply powers in establishing and investigating offences and in clarifying the various provisions that regulate these powers.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


RKC Specific Annexes, Module 9 – Special Procedures

specific annexes

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Understand the role of Customs in managing clearance for items that require special procedures:

• Travellers

• Postal traffic

• Means of transport

• Stores

• Relief consignments

– Be familiar with how these procedures operate and the circumstances in which they apply.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


La Convention de Kyoto révisée – Annexes spécifiques

Specific Annexes

La Convention de Kyoto révisée (CKR) constitue le fondement des régimes douaniers efficaces et modernes du XXIe siècle. Outre de nombreuses conventions internationales et d’autres instruments conçus pour harmoniser et simplifier les régimes douaniers, la CKR joue un rôle essentiel dans la définition des principes de base applicables aux régimes douaniers et pratiques douanières. La CKR est basée sur des régimes douaniers simplifiés et harmonisés, soutenus par la prévisibilité, la transparence, le partenariat, la gestion des risques, l’utilisation maximale de la technologie de l’information et d’autres techniques douanières modernes.

Il n’y a pas de modèle “clé en main”. Ce cours d’apprentissage en ligne vous permettra de découvrir des concepts utiles pouvant être mis en œuvre de manière appropriée au sein de leur organisation.

Revised Kyoto Convention – Specific Annex

Specific Annexes

The Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) is the blueprint for modern and efficient Customs procedures in the 21st century. Alongside several international conventions and other instruments designed to harmonise and simplify Customs procedures, the RKC plays a key role in setting out the basic principles for all Customs procedures and practices. The RKC is built on a foundation of simplified and harmonised Customs procedures, underpinned by predictability, transparency, partnership, risk management, maximum use of information technology, and other modern Customs techniques.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ model. This e-learning will introduce you to useful concepts that they can flexibly apply to their own individual administrations.

Convenção de Quioto Revista – Anexos Específicos*

specific annexes

A Convenção de Quioto Revista (CQR) é o ponto de partida para os regimes aduaneiros modernos e eficientes no séc. XXI. Juntamente com várias convenções internacionais e outros instrumentos designados para harmonizar e simplificar o regime aduaneiro, a CQR desempenha um papel-chave na definição de princípios básicos para todos os regimes aduaneiros e práticas aduaneiras.

A CQR é construída sobre regimes aduaneiros simplificados e harmonizados, sustentada pela previsibilidade, transparência, parceria, gestão do risco, máxima utilização de tecnologias de informação e outras técnicas aduaneiras modernas.

Este curso estabelece os contornos dos elementos fundamentais da CQR e os benefícios derivados da adoção destas provisões no contexto da modernização aduaneira.

Convenção de Quioto Revista – Anexo Geral

Revises Kyoto Convention

The Revised Kyoto Convention (CQR) is the starting point for modern and efficient customs regimes in the 19th century. XXI. Along with various international conventions and other instruments designed to harmonize and simplify the customs regime, the CQR plays a key role in defining basic principles for all customs regimes and customs practices.

The CQR is built on simplified and harmonized customs regimes, supported by predictability, transparency, partnership, risk management, maximum use of information technologies and other modern customs techniques.

This course outlines the fundamental elements of the CQR and the benefits derived from adopting these provisions in the context of customs modernization.

La Convention de Kyoto révisée – Annexe Générale

Revises Kyoto Convention

La Convention de Kyoto révisée (CKR) constitue le fondement des régimes douaniers efficaces et modernes du XXIe siècle. Outre de nombreuses conventions internationales et d’autres instruments conçus pour harmoniser et simplifier les régimes douaniers, la CKR joue un rôle essentiel dans la définition des principes de base applicables aux régimes douaniers et pratiques douanières. La CKR est basée sur des régimes douaniers simplifiés et harmonisés, soutenus par la prévisibilité, la transparence, le partenariat, la gestion des risques, l’utilisation maximale de la technologie de l’information et d’autres techniques douanières modernes.


Il n’y a pas de modèle “clé en main”. Ce cours d’apprentissage en ligne vous permettra de découvrir des concepts utiles pouvant être mis en œuvre de manière appropriée au sein de leur organisation.

Revised Kyoto Convention – General Annex

Revises Kyoto Convention

The Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) is the blueprint for modern and efficient Customs procedures in the 21st century. Alongside several international conventions and other instruments designed to harmonise and simplify Customs procedures, the RKC plays a key role in setting out the basic principles for all Customs procedures and practices. The RKC is built on a foundation of simplified and harmonised Customs procedures, underpinned by predictability, transparency, partnership, risk management, maximum use of information technology, and other modern Customs techniques. There is no ‘one size fits all’ model. This e-learning will introduce you to useful concepts that they can flexibly apply to their own individual administrations.