Welcome to the WCO Academy,
The World Customs Organization’s e-learning portal for the private sector and academia.
Interested in widening your Customs knowledge? Access today a wealth of ever-expanding training opportunities.
Customs officers are kindly invited to register on CLiKC! and access a goldmine of available training material and useful information, from e-learning courses to scheduled global and regional training workshops, and much more.
The WCO offering

Single Modules
Interested in specific parts of our e-learning courses? Not needing the full course? You can now enroll in specific modules rather than the entire courses.

Full courses (Certificates included)
Harmonized System, Customs Valuation, Rules of Origin and WCO Data Model are only a few examples of the topics covered by our full courses. Enroll today, access a gold mine of Customs training content created by WCO experts, and acquire a certificate upon completion of each course.

Is continuous access to the undisputed Customs expertise of the WCO what you currently need to get upskilled and advance in your career? A subscription to the WCO e-learning courses will provide you with the convenience to access and complete modules and courses at your own pace.
Products by Topic
AEO Validation (8)
Customs Transit (12)
Customs Valuation (18)
Data Analytics (16)
Discover the WCO (2)
Gender Equality (4)
Harmonized System (149)
Harmonized System Advanced (98)
Harmonized System Foundation (51)
Integrity (6)
Rules of Origin (24)
Revised Kyoto Convention (40)
Revised Kyoto Convention: General Annex (22)
Revised Kyoto Convention: Specific Annex (20)
SAFE (6)
WCO Data Model (20)
Time Release Study (TRS) (5)
The Istanbul Convention (18)
The TIR System (28)
Transfer Pricing (20)
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (45)
Subscription (2)

Certificate Products
Become a yearly subscriber and have exclusive access to purchase certificate products, allowing you to certify the knowledge you’ve gained from completing modules on the WCO Academy.
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