The Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) is the blueprint for modern and efficient Customs procedures in the 21st century. Alongside several international conventions and other instruments designed to harmonise and simplify Customs procedures, the RKC plays a key role in setting out the basic principles for all Customs procedures and practices. The RKC is built on a foundation of simplified and harmonised Customs procedures, underpinned by predictability, transparency, partnership, risk management, maximum use of information technology, and other modern Customs techniques. There is no ‘one size fits all’ model. This e-learning will introduce you to useful concepts that they can flexibly apply to their own individual administrations.

La Convention de Kyoto révisée (CKR) constitue le fondement des régimes douaniers efficaces et modernes du XXIe siècle. Outre de nombreuses conventions internationales et d’autres instruments conçus pour harmoniser et simplifier les régimes douaniers, la CKR joue un rôle essentiel dans la définition des principes de base applicables aux régimes douaniers et pratiques douanières. La CKR est basée sur des régimes douaniers simplifiés et harmonisés, soutenus par la prévisibilité, la transparence, le partenariat, la gestion des risques, l’utilisation maximale de la technologie de l’information et d’autres techniques douanières modernes.
Il n’y a pas de modèle “clé en main”. Ce cours d’apprentissage en ligne vous permettra de découvrir des concepts utiles pouvant être mis en œuvre de manière appropriée au sein de leur organisation.

Le Modèle de données de l’OMD est un jeu très complet des données soigneusement combinées et harmonisées découlant de la réglementation régissant les flux transfrontaliers de marchandises qui sont exigées dans le cadre des transactions transfrontalières. Ces données se complètent et s’appuient mutuellement et seront régulièrement mises à jour afin de satisfaire aux exigences procédurales et juridiques des organismes chargés de réglementer les transactions transfrontalières telles que les transactions douanières, les contrôles effectués à l’exportation, à l’importation et en transit.

The users of the WCO Data Model should work closely to supply commonly used technical information to each other for mutual advantage. Interested parties could come together to solve business and technical challenges through the adoption of the Data Model, and thereby take advantage of technological advancements to further speed-up the deployment of IT solutions.

The users of the WCO Data Model should work closely to supply commonly used technical information to each other for mutual advantage. Interested parties could come together to solve business and technical challenges through the adoption of the Data Model, and thereby take advantage of technological advancements to further speed-up the deployment of IT solutions.

The users of the WCO Data Model should work closely to supply commonly used technical information to each other for mutual advantage. Interested parties could come together to solve business and technical challenges through the adoption of the Data Model, and thereby take advantage of technological advancements to further speed-up the deployment of IT solutions.

Customs value constitutes the basis for the assessment of Customs duties and taxes. A lack of knowledge often results in the submission of declarations with incorrect Customs values because all the elements necessary for their determination were not taken into consideration. When such incorrect declarations are identified during Customs valuation control process, adjustments are made to the declared value with an additional assessment of duties and taxes and sometimes penalties.

Customs value constitutes the basis for the assessment of Customs duties and taxes. A lack of knowledge often results in the submission of declarations with incorrect Customs values because all the elements necessary for their determination were not taken into consideration. When such incorrect declarations are identified during Customs valuation control process, adjustments are made to the declared value with an additional assessment of duties and taxes and sometimes penalties.

Customs value constitutes the basis for the assessment of Customs duties and taxes. A lack of knowledge often results in the submission of declarations with incorrect Customs values because all the elements necessary for their determination were not taken into consideration. When such incorrect declarations are identified during Customs valuation control process, adjustments are made to the declared value with an additional assessment of duties and taxes and sometimes penalties.

Customs value constitutes the basis for the assessment of Customs duties and taxes. A lack of knowledge often results in the submission of declarations with incorrect Customs values because all the elements necessary for their determination were not taken into consideration. When such incorrect declarations are identified during Customs valuation control process, adjustments are made to the declared value with an additional assessment of duties and taxes and sometimes penalties.