Cette leçon vous permettra de comprendre les annexes concernant les marchandises applicables à la Convention sur l’admission temporaire, de connaître les marchandises définies dans chacune de ces annexes et de connaître les pays qui souscrivent à chaque annexe. Un quiz est également inclus pour tester vos connaissances.
Course Category: The Istanbul Convention
Convention d’Istanbul – Principes généraux des Conventions relatives à l’admission temporaire
Cette leçon vous aidera à comprendre l’évolution des conventions sur l’admission temporaire et comment la Convention d’Istanbul a amélioré la facilitation du commerce international. L’utilisation et les avantages de la Convention d’Istanbul sont également présentés. Un quiz est également inclus pour tester vos connaissances.
The Istanbul Convention – Certificate Exam
Take the final exams to obtain your WCO Academy Certificate
The Istanbul Convention – Using the CPD Carnet
This lesson will enable you to understand the contents of a CPD Carnet as a temporary admission document of private and commerical roadd vehicles, to become familiar with the procedure to complete a CPD Carnet in various cases, to understand the associated procedures to follow at entry and exit. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.
The Istanbul Convention – Using the ATA Carnet
This lesson will help you understand the contents of an ATA Carnet as a temporary admission document, to become familiar with the procedures to complete an ATA Carnet for various users and to understand the associated customs procedures to follow at entry and exit. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.
The Istanbul Conventions – The International Guaranteeing Chain
This lesson will enable you to to understand the goals of the International Guarantee Chain for temporarily admitted goods, to be familiar with the work and role of its Agencies (the Chambers of Commerce), and to learn the attributes of the World Chambers Federation.
The Istanbul Convention – Goods allowed for temporary admission
This lesson will enable you to understand the Annexes concerning applicable goods to the Convention on Temporary Admission, to be familiar with the goods defined in each of these Annexes, and to be familiar with the countries that subscribe to each Annex. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.
The Istanbul Convention – General Principles of the Conventions on Temporary Admission
This lesson will help you understand the evolution of the conventions on temporary admission and how the Istanbul Convention has improved the facilitation of international trade. The use and the advantages of the Istanbul Convention are also presented. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.
The Istanbul Convention
Some goods which need to be brought into a country for certain specific reasons (an exhibition, commercial demonstration, humanitarian mission, etc.) are exempt from Customs duties under the express condition that they are re-exported within a specified timeframe. This is what is known as the temporary admission procedure.
The Convention on Temporary Admission signed in Istanbul on 26 June 1990 provided a means of bringing together, and simplifying, various instruments governing temporary admission which were already in existence at that time.
The most important tools covered by the Istanbul Convention are the ATA carnet (for goods) and the CPD carnet (for vehicles), which are standardized documents used by Customs services to check temporary admissions. Nevertheless, many problems have been encountered with the application of the Convention in the field, and with the use of the carnets in certain specific circumstances.
The training is therefore focused on the very practical issue of the use of ATA and CPD carnets, with lessons dealing in detail with the documents themselves and how they are used in different situations.
Convention d’Istanbul
Certaines marchandises amenées à séjourner dans un pays pour certaines raisons précises (une exposition, une démonstration commerciale, une mission humanitaire, etc.) sont exonérées de droits de douane à la condition expresse qu’elles soient réexportées dans un laps de temps déterminé. C’est le processus d’admission temporaire.
La Convention relative à l’admission temporaire, signée le 26 juin 1990 à Istanbul, a permis l’unification et la simplification des différents instruments liés aux règles d’importation temporaire qui existaient déjà avant cette date.
Les principaux outils repris dans cette Convention sont les carnets ATA (pour les marchandises) et CPD (pour les véhicules), documents standardisés qui permettent le contrôle des admissions temporaires par les services douaniers. Néanmoins, de nombreux problèmes ont été soulevés quant à l’application sur le terrain de la Convention et à l’utilisation des carnets dans certains cas particuliers.
La formation est donc orientée sur l’aspect très concret de l’utilisation des carnets ATA et CPD, à l’aide de cours traitant précisément des documents eux-mêmes et de leurs modalités d’utilisation dans diverses situations.