
In application of Article 13.1 of the EU Council Directive 2006/112/CE on the common system of the value added tax, all orders for goods and services provided by the WCO are invoiced exclusive of VAT since the WCO is regarded as non-taxable person in respect to the activities or transactions in which it engages as public authority within its scope of activity defined in the Convention of 15 December 1950 establishing a Customs Co-operation Council, even where it collects dues, fees, contributions or payments in connection with those activities or transactions.

CKR: Annexes spécifiques – Transit douanier (Module 5)



A l’issue de ce module, vous serez en mesure d’appréhender les spécificités du transit des marchandises – marchandises en transit sous contrôle douanier :

   • Comment une administration des douanes gère et contrôle le transit des marchandises.

   • Comment les marchandises sont transbordées des importations aux exportations.

   • Le transport de marchandises en cabotage.

Un quiz est également inclus pour tester vos connaissances.

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