This course co-developed with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) is aimed at helping customs authorities and TIR associations to familiarise themselves with the fundamental aspects of the TIR System.
This course co-developed with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) is aimed at helping customs authorities and TIR associations to familiarise themselves with the fundamental aspects of the TIR System.
The Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade is a unique international instrument which usher in a safer world trade regime, and also heralds the beginning of a new approach to working methods and partnership for both Customs and business.
This module aims to present this tool and the benefits of its implementation.
This course co-developed with the OECD aims to explain the stakes and problems of transfer pricing on both tax and customs points of view.
This course was updated in 2015 thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea.
Welcome to this course aimed at enhancing knowledge about the Single Window Environment. The course is based on the WCO Single Window Compendium.
Ce cours développé conjointement avec l’OCDE a pour but d’expliquer les enjeux et les problématiques des prix de transfert d’un point de vue douanier et fiscal.
Ce cours a été mis à jour en 2015 grâce au soutien financier du Ministère de la Stratégie et des Finances de la République de Corée.
Welcome to this course aimed at enhancing knowledge about the Single Window Environment. The course is based on the WCO Single Window Compendium.
ManagersCourse is intended to give a theoretical view of the Single Window environment to decision-makers while Practitioners Course will give practical guidelines for implementation to the practicioners.
This series of learning modules will teach you about the transit procedures and how they can be improved using international standards.
Cette série de modules d’apprentissage, basée sur le Manuel sur le transit pour l’établissement de systèmes efficaces de transit pour les PDSL de l’OMD vous enseignera les procédures liées au transit et comment elles peuvent être améliorées en utilisant les normes internationales.
Se entiende por tránsito el procedimiento que permite que las mercancías circulen bajo control aduanero desde la oficina aduanera de salida hasta la oficina aduanera de destino final. El mal funcionamiento de los procedimientos de tránsito aduanero genera un aumento del coste del transporte y constituye un obstáculo importante para el comercio internacional. Se han producido numerosos debates en la comunidad internacional sobre el modo de garantizar un sistema de tránsito seguro y eficaz.
Esta serie de módulos de aprendizaje, basados en el Manual sobre Tránsito de la OMA para la elaboración de esquemas de tránsito eficaces para países en desarrollo sin litoral le enseñará procedimientos de tránsito y cómo pueden mejorarse utilizando normas internacionales.
The Revised Kyoto Convention (CQR) is the starting point for modern and efficient customs regimes in the 19th century. XXI. Along with various international conventions and other instruments designed to harmonize and simplify the customs regime, the CQR plays a key role in defining basic principles for all customs regimes and customs practices.
The CQR is built on simplified and harmonized customs regimes, supported by predictability, transparency, partnership, risk management, maximum use of information technologies and other modern customs techniques.
This course outlines the fundamental elements of the CQR and the benefits derived from adopting these provisions in the context of customs modernization.