Rules of Origin – Transport Rules (Module 5)

Rules of Origin

“This module helps the learner to understand that, beside the fulfilment of the origin criteria and the procedural requirements (i.e. certification of origin), there is in most cases a third criterion to be fulfilled: the transport rules.

These rules impose an administrative requirement to prevent the circumvention and manipulation of originating goods during transport. The material also demonstrates that these rules vary.

The rules require a good to be transported directly or allow it to be transported through FTA partner territories or via a non-contracting country under certain circumstances. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


Rules of Origin – Cumulation (Module 4)

Rules of Origin

On this lesson, the learner will discover the differences between bilateral, diagonal and full cumulation concepts which are used worldwide, without promoting a specific model. The participant should appreciate the practical implications that cumulation imposes by providing an insight into the varied administrative approaches that are available. A quiz is also included to test the learner’s knowledge.


Rules of Origin – Origin Criteria (Module 3)

Rules of Origin

This lesson describes that each free trade agreement contains a set of requirements for obtaining preferential origin, presents the two basic requirements of origin criteria: wholly obtained and substantial transformation lists the typical goods which meet the wholly obtained requirement and lists the three ways of stipulating substantial transformation. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.


Rules of Origin

Rules of Origin

This course offers an overview of Rules Of Origin in general and a better implementation and application of the origin procedures, priority been given to practical topics that would help international trade professionals understand and apply the regulations contained in the Free Trade Agreements or GSPs in application.

Règles d’origine

Rules of Origin

This course offers an overview of Rules Of Origin in general and a better implementation and application of the origin procedures, priority been given to practical topics that would help international trade professionals understand and apply the regulations contained in the Free Trade Agreements or GSPs in application.