“This module focuses on the first three of the pillars mentioned in the first module. The first topic highlights the benefits of Effective information sharing between customs offices, between the transport operators and Customs, and through international cooperation. The Guarantee system is then presented with examples of how this is administered internationally and by some individual countries.The final topic in this Module looks at Customs formalities, showing how international conventions are implemented.
A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to be familiar with Risk Management, Customs Seals, Coordinated Borders and Performance Measurement.
A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”

Part 1: Introduction to the WCO Data Model
The WCO Data Model e-learning course consists of four parts. This is the first part. It is aimed at presenting the possible uses and benefits of the WCO Data Model and to give an overview of its possibilities, the Simplification and Harmonization of Trade Procedures, and the impact of cross-border sharing of data in simplification of trade procedures. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.

“Part 2: A complete toolbox
The WCO Data Model e-learning course consists of four parts. This is the second part. It is aimed at explaining why it is a complete toolbox, as well as at describing the following:
– Introduction to Custom Procedures and Business Process Models;
– The Data Sets: the WCO model as a library;
– How to build information models?;
– Core Components and Dictionary Names;
– GOVCBR: Standard message structure for cross-border reporting;
– Using the WCO Data Model in XML.
A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”

The users of the WCO Data Model should work closely to supply commonly used technical information to each other for mutual advantage. Interested parties could come together to solve business and technical challenges through the adoption of the Data Model, and thereby take advantage of technological advancements to further speed-up the deployment of IT solutions.

Part 4: How to compose a goods declaration for import and export?
The WCO Data Model e-learning course consists of four parts. This is the fourth part. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
– Understand how a standard goods declaration is developed using the WCO Data Model;
– Explain the process of mapping the content of the Single Administrative Document (SAD) with the WCO Data Model;
– Describe the structure and content of the SAD form.
A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.

This module provides a basic overview of the origin and current features and benefits of the TIR system. A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.