Course Category: TIR System
Курс системи МДП (TIR Course)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 14) – Система МДП и Таможенный союз ЕС (TIR Module 14)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 13) – Зона действия системы МДП (TIR Module 13)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 12) – Административная структура МДП (TIR Module 12)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 11) – Роль и обязанности участвующих сторон(TIR Module 11)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 10) – Претензии МДП (TIR Module 10)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 8/9) – Дорожно-Управление рисками в системе МДП (TIR Module 8/9)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 7) – Дорожно-транспортные происшествия “Протокол книжки МДП” (TIR Module 7)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.
Система МДП (Раздел 6) – Как заполнить книжку МДП (TIR Module 6)
This course was developed in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and aims to help Customs authorities and TIR associations become familiar with the fundamental aspects of the TIR system.
The total duration of the course is approximately 8 hours.