Single Window Vol 2 – Performance, Sustainability and Maturity in Single Window

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Identify several performance measurement systems used for Single Window implementation

–  Recognise the importance of continuous improvement.

– Distinguish the areas that should be the focus of analysis and continuous improvement.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.


Single Window Vol 2 – Writing a Business Case for Single Window

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Describe the concepts of business case development.

– Identify the strategic business case and its role in obtaining a political commitment for the Single Window project.

– Explain the purpose and function of developing a detailed business case.

– List the supporting documentation produced in the creation of a detailed business case.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


Single Window Vol 1 – Single Window as part of Customs modernization

single window 1 image

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Identify the vital role of Strategic Management for the Single Window Environment.Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Explain why Single Window should be included in the Customs administration strategic framework.Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Describe the activities for assessing the current Strategic Positioning of Cross-Border Regulatory Agencies.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


Single Window Vol 1 – Understanding Single Window Environment

single window 1 image

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Define the Single Window Environment.

– Explain why the Single Window Environment is required under the WTO provisions.

– List the four approaches to building a Single Window Environment.

– Describe the importance of one-time submission in a Single Window Environment.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.”


Single Window Vol 2 – Final Evaluation

Single WIndow

“This evaluation consists of 16 questions, which are pooled and randomised.

The questions are related to the topics covered in Volume 2. You need to answer at least 12 out of 16 questions correctly to pass the evaluation.”


Single Window Vol 2 – Integrated Risk Management

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Explain the difference between risk assessment and risk management.

– Describe the integrated risk management approach in a Single Window Environment.

– Recognise risk mitigation strategies.”


Single Window Vol 2 – Architecture for the Single Window Environment

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Explain the importance of creating architecture for a Single Window.

– Describe the service-oriented architecture and why it is recommended for a Single Window.

– Explain the various types of architecture.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.


Single Window Vol 2 – Dematerialisation & Paperless Processing

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Explain the importance of the dematerialisation process in a Single Window Environment.

– Describe the various levels in the supply chain along with their supporting documents.

– List the steps involved in implementing dematerialisation.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.


Single Window Vol 2 – Data Harmonisation in a Single Window

Single WIndow

“Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

– Explain the importance of data harmonisation in a Single Window Environment.

– Describe the guidelines of data harmonisation.

– Explain how to implement the steps of the data harmonisation process.

– Summarise the benefits of using WCO Data Model to standardise data sets.

A quiz is also included to test your knowledge.